Early Detection of Eye Disease Is Essential
Only half of Canadians seek treatment for symptoms that may be indicators of eye disease. Many eye diseases also develop without the presence of early symptoms. So, without a comprehensive eye exam, you may not be aware of a vision-threatening condition.
That’s where we come in! At Orchard Park Optometry, we are well-versed in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases and conditions. A routine eye exam will bring you peace of mind about your ocular health and help preserve your sight.
Getting an eye exam is about more than just vision correction; it’s about assessing your health too. We’re open 7 days a week, so there’s always an opportunity to get your exam in. Book yours today.

Diabetic Eye Diseases
People with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing eye diseases. At Orchard Park Optometry, we offer specialized eye exams for people with diabetes.
To learn more about diabetic eye diseases, please visit our Diabetic Eye Exams page.
A leading cause of blindness in Canada, glaucoma is a group of diseases characterized by damage to the optic nerve. Often, high intraocular pressure (IOP) is the cause of the damage.
The increase in eye pressure is often caused by fluid buildup, and it manifests as different kinds of glaucoma. If you have angle-closure glaucoma, the narrowing of the drainage channels between the iris and cornea can trap fluid. And if you have open-angle glaucoma, the drainage channels in the eye may be damaged, not allowing fluid to drain.
Normal-tension glaucoma occurs when eye pressure is within normal range. Damage to the optic nerve may be caused by reduced blood supply or an overly sensitive optic nerve. Injury, infection, or trauma to the eye may also cause intraocular pressure to rise, leading to secondary glaucoma.
Risk Factors
The following factors may put you at greater risk for glaucoma:
- Over age 60
- Thin corneas
- Diabetes
- High refractive errors
- High blood pressure
- Sleep Apnea
- Family history of glaucoma
Glaucoma is often referred to as the Silent Thief of Sight because the symptoms are so subtle that damage has already occurred before a person notices the change in vision. Most commonly people will lose their peripheral vision and high-contrast vision slowly year after year. In more acute cases of glaucoma such as angle-closure glaucoma, patients experience headaches, blurred vision, haloes around lights, redness, and nausea.
How We Can Help
We use applanation tonometry to assess your intraocular pressure (the pressure inside your eye). This test measures the amount of pressure needed to flatten the cornea gently. We also use non-contact tonometry.
We assess the optic nerve when performing a dilated retinal exam. We can track for any changes using the Optomap Retinal Camera, and assess peripheral vision function with the automated visual field analyzer.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) occurs when the macula deteriorates. This condition damages your central vision, the part of your vision that enables you to drive, read, and recognize faces.
There are 2 types of AMD, wet and dry. Dry AMD causes the cells in and around the macula to die, while wet AMD is caused by the bursting and bleeding of abnormal blood vessels growing around the macula.
Risk Factors
The following factors may increase your risk of developing age-related macular degeneration:
- Aging
- High blood pressure
- Family history of AMD
- Smoking
- Nutritional deficiencies & poor diet
- Declining health with age
- Obesity
- Diabetes
As with many eye diseases and conditions, AMD can develop without symptoms. But, the following symptoms may indicate the presence of the condition:
- Blurry spot in the central vision
- Straight lines appearing wavy
How We Can Help
During your regular eye exam, we will test for any distortions in your vision. We use the Amsler Grid, a tool to assess any visual disturbances.
In advanced cases, there are injections available to stop the leakage of blood vessels.
We can help detect AMD with a dilated retinal exam, this is possible before visual symptoms develop. Our doctors can help discuss proper lifestyle and dietary changes to prevent or slow any further loss of vision.

Eye Exams Are the Best Prevention
A regular, comprehensive eye exam is the best defence against sight-threatening vision conditions.
If you notice any changes to your vision, please don’t wait to book an exam. We’re open 7 days a week, providing ample opportunity to get your eyes checked.

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