Our Team in Kelowna

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Our Family’s Here for Your Family

At Orchard Park Optometry, we’re incredibly proud of the team we have built. From your family to our practice’s family, we strive to create a welcoming experience for everyone we see. 

We believe eye care goes beyond seeing patients for regular eye exams. With all our patients and families, we want to educate them on their eye health and how to protect their vision. Your vision is one of your most treasured assets, and we’re here to help you protect it.

Our Mission

To provide each patient with the highest level of comprehensive eye care in a caring and family-oriented environment.

Giving Back With OneSight

To help support everyone’s vision and eye health in Kelowna, we’ve partnered with OneSight. As an organization, OneSight is dedicated to bringing proper vision care to everyone around the world, no matter their situation. At Orchard Park Optometry, we contribute to their vision by offering local eye exams and glasses at no charge for those in need.

If you’re interested in learning more about our OneSight program, give us a call!

Sight for Sport

Optimal health is essential for the systematic long-term training required for elite athletes. SportHealth is a comprehensive medical management program directed towards early recognition and treatment of injury and illness, and the identification of health and safety risks during the training and competitive cycles. 

As a building block of the program, PacificSport Okanagan focuses on bringing together many medical care providers in the Okanagan to service the area’s thousands of members.

Orchard Park Optometry is proud to be affiliated with PacificSport Okanagan, bringing comprehensive eye care services to the network for the first time. In addition to comprehensive vision and eye health exams, Orchard Park Optometry provides in-depth sport-specific vision testing. 

We can prescribe eyeglasses or contact lenses optimized to help elevate visual performance for the athlete. These exams normally cost $130 but are discounted for adult members for $99. Exams for kids under age 19 are fully covered by MSP.

It’s important to know that good vision isn’t only about seeing clearly; it’s also about how our eyes work together as a team—a term we call binocular vision. Having poor binocular vision can affect an athlete’s hand-eye coordination, depth perception, reaction time, ability to track moving objects, and ability to adjust focus quickly to objects at different distances. 

Thankfully, there are eye exercises and training strategies that can improve visual and overall performance. Even for an athlete with average skills, eye training exercises can elevate performance to a more elite level.

Our Team

Dr. Mat Broshak

Dr. Mat Broschak



Dr. Keevn Otte



Dr. Jen Christman



Jasdeep Cheema

Office Manager


Dr. Audrey Janelle-Brousseau



Dr. Sarah Emmons

Our Location

Visit Us

Let our family take care of your family. We’re excited to share our beautiful office and friendly team with everyone in the Kelowna area.

  • 1536-2271 Harvey Ave
  • Kelowna, BC V1Y 6H2

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:30 AM 5:45 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:30 AM 5:45 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:30 AM 5:45 PM
  • Thursday: 9:30 AM 7:45 PM
  • Friday: 9:30 AM 5:45 PM
  • Saturday: 9:30 AM 5:15 PM
  • Sunday: 10:30 AM 4:00 PM

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