Supporting Your Vision
Your routine eye exam is more than just updating your prescription. At Orchard Park Optometry, we’re focused on the whole picture of your vision and eye health. We use the latest technology to identify any issues and provide proper management solutions right away.
During your visit, our warm and welcoming team is happy to answer any questions you have. Booking an eye exam at Orchard Park Optometry means supporting your vision, eyes, and general health.

When Should You Have an Eye Exam?
To ensure your eyes are healthy and your vision is clear, the Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends people aged between 20 and 64 have an eye exam every 2 years. For those 65 years and older, a yearly eye exam is recommended.
Your eye exam isn’t just about updating your prescription. Visiting for an eye exam is often one of the only ways to detect eye disease early before it damages your vision. During your eye exam, we normally check for the following diseases and conditions:
Preparing for Your Eye Exam
Health Care & Insurance
When you come for your exam, please bring your BC Services Card. As well, bring a copy of any third-party insurance you’d like to use to pay for your exam, glasses, or contact lenses.
Current Prescription
To help our team treat you efficiently, we ask that you bring either your current pair of prescription glasses or your last prescription.
Contact Lenses
If you wear contact lenses, please bring the lens packaging or your latest prescription. If you’re interested in wearing contacts, we can organize a contact lens exam and fitting for you during your visit.
Your Eye Exam, Now Digital!
At Orchard Park Optometry we use the newest technology and highest quality equipment to assess your eyes more completely. Starting with a digital measurement of your prescription for faster, more accurate results, followed by 3D-imaging of the eye and its structures that help your doctor ensure we keep them healthy and functioning their best for a lifetime.
What is Optomap Ultra-widefield Retinal Imaging?
The inner layer of the eye is known as the retina, and it acts like the film of the camera as it takes in light images from our surrounding environment. It contains photoreceptors, nerves, and blood vessels, which when viewed by your optometrist can reveal many clues about a person’s overall health and vision. The Optomap Ultra-widefield Retinal Camera takes a high-resolution digital photograph of the retina that can be used to for disease detection and monitoring for progression once a problem is detected. Diseases it detects not only include Age-related Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, Hereditary disorders, Retinal Detachment, and Cataracts, but also Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Stroke, Tumors/Cancer, Cardiovascular disease, Autoimmune disorders, Infections, and more.
Getting your eye scanned with the Optomap camera is quick, easy, and painless. It is completely safe for the whole family, including kids, and has no side effects or adverse events. The patient looks through a small opening into the camera as one would through a telescope, and the camera takes a scan in under a second. The 3D-rendered image is then immediately available for you and your optometrist to review together. Under most circumstances dilation of the pupils is not required to get a high-quality retinal scan, saving you time and avoiding any unnecessary blurry vision following your appointment. Your optometrist will help determine whether pupil dilation is also necessary.
At Orchard Park Optometry we include an Optomap Ultra-widefield Retinal Camera photograph of both eyes with every adult and senior exam for no extra costs.
What is an OCT Scan?
Optical Coherence Tomography, or OCT for short, is a non-invasive hospital-quality 3D ultrasound scan that helps your optometrist see below the surface of the retina and optic nerve for detection and quantification of corneal, retinal, and optic nerve diseases. It is an excellent compliment to the Optomap imaging system for a more complete assessment of complex diseases. Like the Optomap, it is also a safe and comfortable procedure that only takes a few minutes to perform. The results are available instantly for you and your optometrist to review together.
Your optometrist may recommend an OCT scan if they detect any vision-threatening problems on your Optomap images, or if you are at a high-risk for vision problems due to chronic health problems, family history of ocular diseases, or if you take certain medications that increase your risk for vision loss (such as Plaquenil, Methotrexate, or anti-depressants). It is an essential tool in the management of diseases like Age-related Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, Narrow Angles, Diabetic Retinopathy, Macular Hole, Epiretinal Membrane, Retinal Artery or Vein Occlusion (stroke of the eye), Multiple Sclerosis with Optic Neuritis, Intracranial Hypertension (elevated spinal fluid pressure), and much more.
Even patients in perfect health with normal vision can benefit from OCT imaging to detect problems before they start to affect your vision. Ask your optometrist about the iWellness OCT scan during your exam.
What is Corneal Topography?
Corneal topography is a digital scanning tool that measures the curvature of clear outer surface of the eye, known as the cornea. Asymmetric curvature of the cornea, commonly referred to as Astigmatism, can impact a person’s vision and cause blurry vision, distorted vision, or starburst-like glare around lights at nighttime. The Corneal Topographer helps map out the corneal surface to help distinguish between different types of Astigmatism. This information is highly useful in fitting contact lenses, planning and monitoring refractive surgery (LASIK, PRK, or Cataract surgery), and detecting and monitoring diseases of the cornea including Keratoconus, Dry Eyes, and scarring due to previous trauma.
At our office, we user the topographer to fit many types of customized specialty contact lenses including Ortho-Keratology lenses (Ortho-K for short). These contact lenses are worn only at nighttime while the patient is sleeping and gently re-shapes the corneal surface, similar to the effects of LASIK surgery, but without creating permanent changes. The result is clear 20/20 or better vision for the entire next day with complete freedom from glasses or day-time contact lens wear. The results from our patients have been amazing, and it’s an excellent option for kids as it can significantly reduce the progression of their myopia (near-sightedness) compared to using standard glasses and soft contact lenses.
Our Topcon CA-800 Topographer also includes functionality for diagnosis and management of dry eye disease. Causes of dry eye symptoms are multi-factoral, and include reduced tear production, poor tear stability (where they evaporate off the eye too quickly), inflammation of the eyelids (known as blepharitis), use of certain medications, and more. A couple simple scans with the topographer can tell your doctor why you have dry eye symptoms so it can be better managed from the start.
Eye Dilation
To check the health of your retina, we may dilate your eyes or use optomap retinal imaging. Both these tests provide us with an excellent view of your retina, helping us to identify vision impairment, blindness, and life-threatening diseases.
To prepare for eye dilation, we ask you to bring a pair of sunglasses to your appointment. Sunglasses will help protect your eye from any light sensitivity after dilation. For most patients, the dilation process will not affect their ability to operate a vehicle safely, but their vision may be a bit blurry.

Book Your Next Eye Exam
Our team is ready to welcome new and returning Kelowna patients to our practice! Get your eyes checked accurately by our experienced and highly-trained eye doctors.

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