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Category: Cataracts

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5 Eye Diseases and How They Are Treated

An eye doctor uses an anatomical eye model to explain how eye diseases affect vision and ocular health.

Some eye diseases that can be detected during a routine eye exam include:
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Diabetic retinopathy
Dry eyes
Depending on the severity of symptoms, most of these eye conditions can be managed through lifestyle changes, advanced therapies, or surgical treatments that aim to preserve vision and eye health.

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Can Cataracts Return After Surgery?

A close up image of a woman's eye with a cataract

Cataracts—among other things—are a common condition your eye doctor checks for when performing a comprehensive eye exam. While cataracts aren’t necessarily a threat to the overall health of the eye, they can severely impact a person’s vision, making normal daily activities more challenging, and making it unsafe to drive a vehicle. An optometrist can detect […]

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