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5 Eye Diseases and How They Are Treated

An eye doctor uses an anatomical eye model to explain how eye diseases affect vision and ocular health.

Some eye diseases that can be detected during a routine eye exam include:
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Diabetic retinopathy
Dry eyes
Depending on the severity of symptoms, most of these eye conditions can be managed through lifestyle changes, advanced therapies, or surgical treatments that aim to preserve vision and eye health.

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Glasses for Driving At Night

A driver wearing glasses and a seatbelt, focused on the road while driving at night in an urban area.

While non-prescription glasses marketed specifically for nighttime driving are popular, their effectiveness remains debatable. Instead, addressing underlying vision problems and choosing the right prescription glasses can make nighttime driving safer and more comfortable. […]

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10 Foods to Eat for Eye Health

A person holds 2 orange halves in front of her eyes while standing before a fridge full of healthy foods

Our vision connects us to the world around us, bringing colour and detail to our everyday experiences. Whether you’re reading a book, admiring a sunset, or spending time with family, healthy eyes play a crucial role.
While we might not always consider it, diet can significantly impact eye health. Including specific foods in your diet can provide essential nutrients that help keep your vision clear and vibrant. […]

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Types of Eye Emergencies

Middle aged Asian woman has one visible eye closed while the other eye is hidden under white gauze taped to her face with a strip of white medical tape. Her right hand touches the gauze.

Eye emergencies can happen unexpectedly and may range from minor irritations to severe conditions that require immediate attention. Recognizing the symptoms and knowing how to respond can protect your vision and overall eye health. Here’s a comprehensive look at common types of eye emergencies, and what you should do if you or someone else experiences one. […]

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